The Subud Zone 9 – 2023 meeting was held in Santiago, Chile from April 29th to May 1st. This was the first face-to-face event after four years due to the pandemic.
Members from Argentina, Peru and Chile attended. We missed the presence of Brazil, however, they were with us in feeling and attentive to the development of the meeting by virtual means.
On Friday, April 28, the area council and the organizers were convened to prepare internally, do latihan together and test each other’s role and the content of the meeting.
We received a strong feeling of unity and brotherhood among us. We agreed that the most important thing for the development of Subud is to go back to the roots and reconnect with the deepest and purest part of the latihan.
Local helpers, kejiwaan counselors and international helpers then met in a latihan and test session to deepen the content of their role. The possibility was opened for the helpers of the zone to work together virtually and thus strengthen the groups with few members thanks to the support and accompaniment of the stronger groups.
On April 29, we officially opened the meeting with a general latihan. We then proceeded with registration, souvenirs and a welcome coffee. The members exchanged warm hugs and affectionate greetings for the joy of meeting again.
The first plenary session was mainly to give the report on the situation of the countries. It is evident that after the pandemic the groups have been reduced and are still in the process of being 100% reactivated. Everyone appreciated the face-to-face meeting to strengthen the internal sentiment and the latihan in the area.
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At noon we shared a delicious lunch offered by the ladies of the Providencia group who took care of us with much affection during the whole weekend.
In the afternoon we had kejiwaan session with the members in charge of the helpers in the area. We did quiz on the World Congress. The functions of the Zone Representative were explained to men and women inviting everyone to apply for the next term.
At the end of the first day, a presentation about the World Congress was made. Pictures and videos of Rungan Sari and Palangkaraya were shown giving all available and updated information. The international helpers shared a unanimous feeling about the deep spiritual content of Kalimantan. They invited all members to attend and experience it despite the apparent practical difficulties of the place. Several people expressed their intention to attend and are awaiting the launching of registrations.
On Sunday, April 30, we started with latihan and general tests on patience, submission, trust and surrender to God’s will. It is always revealing to verify our inner state and for the new members it was very profound to receive these tests.
During the plenary session, the election of the next Zone Representative, who will take office after the World Congress, took place. The zone assistants, supported by the internationals, tested two men and one woman.
LAMBERTO ARÉVALO, an Argentinean member living in the city of Valdivia-Chile was elected.
With great joy and commitment he assumed the task of representing us in the next period.
In this session, we also shared the importance of the role of delegates at the World Congress. Mention was made of the international offices to be elected in January 2024. The international helpers explained the need to test these positions in person and the deadlines for applying. Members were invited to feel out each role internally and offer themselves as candidates.
After lunch we had kejiwaan session with the members. We did general tests, awakening test and also gave space for personal tests. The members were really grateful.
On May 1st we started with a general latihan and test. Then, taking advantage of the sunny day, we had the last plenary session in the garden. Mauricio Castillo, president of MSF and member of the Providence group, explained the work of MSF and informed that five new Trustees will be elected at the world congress. He explained the responsibilities of this position and encouraged members to feel the role and apply.

We also addressed the situation of the Wings in the area. Businesses are the most active Wing at the moment. We share the experience of Airbnb in Peru and Brazil. We also share the journey of the company Subud in Concepción-Chile. We also narrate the experience of Susila Dharma’s project “Wawa Illari” carried out in Peru from 2017 to 2019.
We recognized the importance of strengthening the inner feeling through the latihan to be able to receive guidance and develop projects in the area, as well as to activate Youth activities again.
For now, the most important thing is for all members to return to doing latihan twice a week and to continue the united work of the helpers and committee in the area.
On the afternoon of Monday, May 1st, a lady from Chile opened the event, and we continue to grow !
With deep gratitude to Almighty God We closed the event with a delicious asado in the best Argentinean style.
We thank the International Helpers and the President of MSF for their accompaniment and support. To the Zone Council for their active participation and to the Organizing Committee for taking care of every detail and making this meeting an unforgettable experience.
Zone 9 representative – Ana Sofía Mazzini.