Council News

WSA Monthly BOD Meeting – 11 June

The following topics were discussed during the meeting: –

The board agree to re-format the style of the formal WSA minutes of board meeting and for approved minutes to be placed in a shared Google Drive folder. Statutory Accounts of 2021 was discussed and the board agreed to approve after receiving final draft from the WSA accountant. Audited Accounts for 2021 to be presented to the Zone Representatives by 30 June. The board of directors have agreed to conduct the WSC Meeting in Kalimantan from the 5th to the 14th of February 2024. WSA working party on SDIA MOU will invite IH for consultation on the draft MOU. SICA is ready to discuss a draft Charter with WSA.

WSA Meeting with SICA Board – 4 June

As part of the WSA communication efforts with the WSA Affiliates, the board met with the SICA board.

Matters discussed, after introducing members of each board, were the visibility of SICA to the world, space to discover talents in Subud, and technical support for SICA.
SICA will also work with WSA on an MOU.

WSA Working Party – on Organization – 29 May

WSA in harmonizing its relationship with the Affiliates and Wings is working on enhancing mutual understanding between international Subud organizations.

The working party, which members include International Helpers, Zone Representatives and the WSA Executive Chair is discussing a draft memorandum of understanding proposed by SDIA.

WSA & SESI “meet & greet” – 22 May

As part of maintaining communication and relationship with its affiliates and wings, WSA has started to arrange for the WSA board members to meet board members from affiliates and wings.

In March 2022, the WSA met with the board of SDIA. In May, a meeting took place with the Chair and Co-Chair of SESI, Hammond Peek and Gaye Thavisin. The meeting was productive, catching up on the wings’ activities and discussing ways to reach out to members including ideas for the coming World Congress in Kalimantan. It was agreed to share the ideas discussed for the World Congress with the WCOT team, and to develop a charter between the two organizations.

White Book Team Meeting – 14 May

The team met again for its monthly meeting after a break in April. Discussed at the meeting:
  • Inviting the IH Dewan to look at the draft White Book; Paloma to try to meet the IH in Porto in June/ Assisi in October.
  • To properly sequencing of each section (ZR, IH, etc.); layout, design, and printing/publishing of the White Book by July 2023.
  • To allow for revision/adjustment to the White Book as annexes to the initial edition,
  • Executive Chair, Suyono, to write an introduction for the White Book.

WCOT Full Team Meeting – 8 May

The full team has started to regroup again, and each division updated what they had developed during the pandemic period.

The WSA Website has been build, and now need to have the content for communication to the members. The Registration system is being worked on and getting feedback, content is need to be put in, payment accounts need to be decided. The executive is working on guidelines to prepare the delegates before the congress. The executive chair has visited Palangka Raya and Rungan Sari, and reported his meetings there with the local groups, local community, and regional government of the city of Palangka Raya. The communication team are working to broad cast information on Kalimantan and the 2024 World Congress,

WSA Monthly BOD Meeting – 7 May

During the board meeting the following topics were discussed: –

Planning for the upcoming WSC meeting on the place and the dates. The International Helpers shared the testing result and the Dewan unanimously recommend Kalimantan for the next WC meeting. After discussion on practicality of places and the benefits of having the WSC meeting in Kalimantan, the meeting participants were asked to share again how they felt where the right place is, and if they would agree to follow the majority. The majority of the participants feel that Kalimantan is the right place, and the rest feel that they can follow the majority. It was decided that the place of the meeting will be Kalimantan. As regard the dates, the executive chair will issue another questionnaire, for council members and the WSA Team, with a choice to choose more than one date as preference.

Guidelines for World Congress; Participants with World Congress experience were asked to make comments and give input on the draft guidelines prepared by the executive office. The meeting agreed to set up a small working party to work on the guidelines. WSA will prepare a recommendation for proposal to be submitted to the member countries. WSA recommendation to the Zones for proposal by member countries to be finalized by end of September.
Also discussed were working agreement between SDIA and WSA, and update from Executive Chair Suyono of his visit to Palangka Raya in April, during Ramadan.

WSA Monthly BOD Meeting – 9 April

The 9th April BOD Meeting was attended by 24 members (WSA officers, IH and ZRs).

The WSA 2022 budget was approved after the meeting reviewed the incoming pledges and contribution to cover the projected 2022 expenses. The board agreed to use the reserve to cover for the income shortfall. The board agrees to schedule meetings with board members of wings and affiliates. Also discussed was follow-up meeting with SDIA after receiving SDIA’s comment on the draft agreement between the two organizations. Executive to follow up with the translations of WSA’s and the affiliates incorporation documents into Spanish and French for preparing proposed amendments to the articles of associations and bylaws of the organizations. WSA executive chair, Suyono reported to the board on his visit to Canberra relating to the WSA Archives projects. Suitable dates for the next in-person WSC meeting were discussed, and the executive planned to send out a survey to council members on the venues & dates of the meeting.

WSA White Book Team Meeting – 26 March

After the last meeting in February, Paloma provided the team with excerpts from Bapak’s Talk relating to organization.

The team was to comments on the suitability of the excerpts for the chapters in White Book and discuss comments on the excerpts during the meeting. Paloma will consult with Sharif Horthy and Raymond Lee on the translations of the excerpts from podium translated Talks. The IH will be invited to White Book meetings and consulted on the use of the excerpt in the White Book. The WB meeting lasted for 2,5 hours, and will be resume in May, after Ramadhan.

WSC Quarterly Meeting – 12/13 March

The first quarterly WSC meeting in 2022 was attended by 39 participants (International Helpers, WSA Team, and members of the Council) by Zoom.

Observers were invited to view the meeting which was broadcasted live on YouTube at the following link
The meeting started with a quiet moment lead by Hussein Rawlings, IH Area 1. The first agenda of the meeting was to approve the minutes of the last WSC Quarterly Meeting on the 6/7 November 2021, followed by updates from the council members. Members of the council have submitted written reports on the shared google drive. For copies of the report please contact wsa.secretary@ First, the International Helpers updated the meeting with their activities during the last four months. Worth noting is the plan of IH Area 3 to visit isolated members in non-WSA member countries such as Panama, and Costa Rica. Nahum stressed the need to support members who find it difficult to do latihan, and for group helpers to approach these members. Some countries that may require more attention from the IH.
Reports submitted by the council members for the meeting are available on demand. Please email wsa.secretary@ for a copy.