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WSA Bylaws

3.4 The Year of Regular Congress: Before the end of each Regular Congress, Congress designates the calendar year, four to six years hence, of the next Regular Congress.

7.5 Location: During each Regular Congress, Congress decides on the location of the next Regular Congress or informs Council as to its preferences.

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The WSA Executive Committee is calling for proposals from Member Country National Committees to host the next World Congress in their country.  

Proposals should be received by the WSA Executive Committee at  swc.proposal@  six (6) months prior to the start of the Congress, 5 July 2023

Guidelines for developing proposals

These guidelines are not meant to limit proposals but guide the Members based on previous experience. Please also read the Guidelines for World Congress 2024 for procedures of proposal submission, as attached to this letter.

The proposals should take into consideration the following: 

  • Fair rotation of Members hosting Regular Congress. 
  • Commitment and enthusiasm of the host country members in supporting the efforts and being able to create a team to plan and facilitate a congress.
  • Application candidates for the WSA Executive team/ ISC from within the proposing country’s Zone.
  • Subud members with the skills, experience, time and disposability to plan and facilitate the congress. Subud members who might be ready and able to work for an executive team.  

The points of attention are:

  • The venue, its size, availability of adequate latihan space for members and international helpers to do their work during congress, location as to nearest Subud center, type of central/social hub as the heart of the congress (ability for mixing and hosting activities beyond latihan)
  • The accommodation – opportunities to satisfy budgets of all kinds
  • Transportation costs from furthest distances to congress
  • Other tourist attractions

It is advisable to have a budget projection based on expectancy of people being able to travel to this location.

Practicality and result of testing will determine the decision.  The proposal of a concrete venue is welcomed but not mandatory. 

WSA Executive Committee