How to Donate

How to support the work of the World Subud Association

The WSA exists to ensure that the practice and expression of the spiritual practice of Subud (the latihan kejiwaan) stays as close to the original experience received by Bapak Muhammad Subuh Sumohadiwidjojo. In this way, humankind – generations from now – will be able to receive and practice the latihan kejiwaan in its complete and unchanged form. 

The core work of the WSA therefore focuses on protecting and preserving the life works of Bapak in all media: audio, visual, and print. The WSA then makes this work available in many languages, formats, and platforms so that the advice and guidance received for humankind by Bapak may be shared with everyone in Subud. The WSA funds the travel and activities of eighteen international helpers around the globe, enabling them to inspire and deepen our receiving of the latihan kejiwaan. The WSA also coordinates and supports various interest groups and activities such as youth development, entrepreneur networking, and charitable endeavours;  activities which are inspired by our latihan to improve the conditions in our own lives as well as in the world around us.

The World Subud Association is registered as a non-profit organization in Washington D.C. USA.

Give Now

Individuals may donate to WSA through various means:

Your National Subud Organtization

Contact your national organization about making a donation to WSA in addition to their annual pledge. Find a list of conta …

DONATE NOW / Online Service

Credit cards are a very easy and convenient way to donate funds to WSA of up to $1000. When you make a …

DONATE Wire Transfers/Direct Deposits

You can send a wire/direct bank transfer in either US Dollars or Australian Dollars. See below …

DONATE Cheque / Check by Mail

Members can send checks in US dollar Members can send checks in US dollars
Make Checks payable to: 8506697682



Some people really love the idea of donating to a fund where the principal is invested and then only the proceeds are allowed to be spent. This means your donation continues to provide revenue to the WSA year after year – forever. If this appeals to you, the WSA Endowment Fund is the answer!    

You can give to the WSA Endowment Fund whenever you feel like it – and it can be any amount. Simply click on this link to the Muhammad Subuh Foundation who manages and invests this Fund for the benefit of WSA. It’s that simple to give a gift that keeps giving, year after year.


Continuing financial support is needed for all activities of the World Subud Association. Therefore, a donation to the General Fund (or the WSA Endowment Fund) is the most preferred way to give, and enables the administration to ensure all activities are funded as per its annual budget.

However, occasionally you might be moved to donate to a specific area of activity or interest, or perhaps there’s a campaign underway for an activity or area that you want to support. In this case, you will want to “restrict” or “earmark” your donation. When you restrict a donation, WSA will never allow these funds to be spent on anything else. Therefore, great care is taken to track these donations to ensure your instructions are fulfilled correctly. As you can imagine, sometimes WSA may not always be able to honour your request. In this case, we will need to contact in you to advise you of the situation and to work with you to adjust the wording of your restriction.

If you wish to have your donation support a specific activity of the WSA, please indicate the area you wish to support   If you are restricting your donation, please notify: wsa.treasurer@


WSA will acknowledge all donations and can provide receipts on request including charitable tax receipts for donors from the USA.

Tax Deductions for US citizens
The World Subud Association (WSA) is registered in the United States as a non-profit organization. (WSA U.S. Federal Tax Identification number: 54-1521424).  US citizens can get a tax deduction on their donations.  Other people may be able to receive a tax deduction by donating through their Subud national organization.

Thank You for your donation to the World Subud Association!

Your generosity, and the support of  Subud national organisations, enable the WSA to carry out its programs and activities for the benefit of Subud now and for the future.    

Questions? Email : wsa.treasurer@

* WSA uses Network for Good for on-line donations.  Network for Good service 60,000 non-profit organisations and is a secure, convenient donation system that makes it possible to give to WSA, anytime, online. They ensure that your credit card information is handled in a secure manner and charge a percentage fee for each credit card donation.  For small donations this fee is negligible. When you make a contribution through Network for Good, we receive a record of the amount and what the donation was for, but WSA does not handle any of your credit card information.

Your National Subud Organization

Contact your national organization about making a donation to WSA in addition to their annual pledge. Find a list of contacts at ( Zones / Countries)

DONATE NOW / online service

Credit cards are a very easy and convenient way to donate funds to WSA of up to $1000.  When you make a donation over $1000, the transaction fee becomes significant. In this case, it may make more sense to send your donation by cheque/check or direct bank transfer.
To support our work please click on the large “Donate Now” button. 
Once you click on the “Donate Now” button you will be taken to the *secure payments page where you enter the amount of your donation (in USD), and select WSA General Fund or WSA Endowment Fund or a different option from the dropdown menu. You then fill out your contact and credit card information. When your transaction is complete, you will be sent a receipt.

* WSA uses Network for Good for on-line donations.  Network for Good services 60,000 non-profit organisations and is a secure, convenient donation system that makes it possible to give to WSA, anytime, online. They ensure that your credit card information is handled in a secure manner and charge a percentage fee for each credit card donation.  For small donations this fee is negligible. When you make a contribution through Network for Good, we receive a record of the amount and what the donation was for, but WSA does not handle any of your credit card information.

DONATE Wire Transfers/Direct Deposits

Wire Transfers/Direct Deposits:

US Dollars (USD)

Account Holder Name                     World Subud Association, Inc

Account Holder official address      4100 Cathedral Ave NW #408 Washington, District of Columbia 20016

Bank Name                                      Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. 

Bank Address                                  420 Montgomery St. San Francisco, CA 94104 

Bank Account Number                    8692966511

Routing Number (RTN) –                 121000248  (Domestic Wire Transfers) 

SWIFT/BIC code                              WFBIUS6S  (International Wire Transfers) 

CHIPS Participant                            0407

Euros (EUR)   [Fidelity – international funds wiring instructions] 


Intermediary Bank


Europe PLC Dublin 1 North Wall Quay Dublin, Ireland



Beneficiary Bank

Citibank London

Citigroup Centre 33 Canada Square,

Canary Wharf

London E14 5LB, United Kingdom

Beneficiary Bank SWIFT ID


Beneficiary Name

National Financial Services LLC

Beneficiary Account Number/IBAN


For Further Credit To*


Account no.: Z40282949

*Important: be sure to include the “For Further Credit To” details, including account number

British Pound Sterling  (GBP)   [Fidelity – international funds wiring instructions] 

Beneficiary Bank

Citibank London
 Citigroup Centre 33 Canada Square, Canary Wharf London    

 E14 5LB, United Kingdom

Swift ID


Beneficiary Name

National Financial Services LLC

Beneficiary Account 



Additional Details

Sort Code 185008

For Further Credit To*


 Account no.: Z40282949

*Important: be sure to include the “For Further Credit To” details, including account number

Canadian Dollar  (CAD)   [Fidelity – international funds wiring instructions] 

Beneficiary Bank

Citibank Canada

 University Place Suite 1900 123 Front Street

 Toronto, Canada M5J 2M3

Swift ID


Beneficiary Name

National Financial Services LLC

Beneficiary Account 



Additional Details

Transit Number 00082-260

For Further Credit To*


 Account no.: Z40282949

*Important: be sure to include the “For Further Credit To” details, including account number

Australian Dollars (AUD)

Bank:                                               Commonwealth Bank of Australia

Account name:                                 World Subud Association, Inc

Branch number:                              062908

Account number:                             10865557

Email notification to wsa.treasurer@

DONATE Check (Cheque) by mail

Members can send checks in US dollars
Make Checks payable to:  “World Subud Association”

Mail to:  World Subud Association

Attn: Lorena Kreda

    22 Meacham Road


    MA 02140 

Include a note if the donation is earmarked for a particular program. The WSA General Fund is preferred.

Please notify wsa.treasurer@

Popular selections for donations:

  • General Fund (recommended selection)
  • IH – international helper support
  • WSA Archives – preservation of Bapak’s and Ibu Siti Rahayu’s work and other archival activities
  • SESI – Subud Enterprise Services International
  • SYAI – Subud Youth Activities International – support for youth activities & travel
  • Subud World Congress Assistance Fund – for any upcoming world congress
  • WSA Endowment Fund